
Displaying Analog Clock on Blog..

Is was not too difficult to display an analog clock on your blog. Please browse this site, and choose an option : Clocks for your Web Sites. You may get for free the analog clock source code.

The next step is to change or customized clock parameter as you like; for example : clock mode, timezone, color; etc. Click your choice of clock mode for the first the follow by coloring; size and timezone.

After all, now you can copy the source code which will put on your blog widget (sidebar). Then please you do this following steps :

1. Log in to yout blog.
2. Click Lay out Tab; then Page Element Tab.
4. Add Gadget; Choose HTML/Java Script Widget.
5. Put you source code and Save.

You may choose HTML Source Code for Sidebar and Embed Source Code for diplaying analog clock in Post Content.


Ikhsan said...

Posting yang bagus.
Banyak memberi manfaat untuk blogger, karena sering saya jumpai beberapa blog yang memasang widget jam tetapi tidak cocok dengan jam pada komputer.

ekoOk said...

nice info gan thanks :D