Many of webs are bases in php and MySQL ; you may make a MySQL database interface with using MS (Microsoft) Access application. Now you need a connection between your MS Access application with MySQL database. It could be happen with help of MyODBC driver. ODBC or ODBC API (Open Database Connectivity Application Programming Interface) is a driver that usually included in Windows platform, on driven you will be able to connect to any database in a network.
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In Windows this ODBC sometimes use for connection to SQL Server database.
In order to connect to MySQL database you have to download newest of MyODBC 5.51 drivers from; ensure that you must get a Windows msi installer. The next step is installing of MyODBC 5.51 drivers.
Now you have to create a DSN file that will be use as connection mediator between your MS Access and MySQL database. Create a new MS Access mdb file then following by getting external data (File - Get External Data - Link Tables); choose an ODBC option on file types. And now you have to create a new DSN Name file; let example name is Test.dsn
And then you will face on a dialog box that asking for a connection to which of your MySQL server. You have to fill the parameter on your MySQL database : Server, User, Password, and Datase, Then you are connected you will be able to edit your table content.
For the next session connection and for security reason you have to make blank parameter in DSN Name file; let take a look like :
For advanced explanation please find in this site :
Using Microsoft Access Interface for MySQL Database
Easy Web, Easy CMS, CMS Made Simple
You may to look for easy web for building CMS (Content Management System), in my opinion CMS Made Simple is one of very easy web and very easy CMS (Content Management System) that you can choose to operate. Even you don’t have enough any knowledge and skill about HTML code or building a website, CMS Made Simple has way out with a lot of documentation, tutorial, and forum. CMS Made Simple is an open source Content Management System with a suitable php MySQL for Apache Server (Apachefriends XAMPP, WampServer, etc.). Please check this blog post Installing Apachefriends Xampp Server.
Before you are thinking about to put a CMS in a web server hosting site, an installation in your PC or your LAN Server is recommended in order to check out the conformity of a CMS capability and your needed. However it could be better if then following by expressing your CMS in your company LAN Server. Windows platform will be as common example for CMS Made Simple.
A journey and trying to install CMS Made Simple as your best chosen CMS will give you a good learning path. Please download the CMS Made Simple Core then look for file full.tar.gz in the name e.g. cmsmadesimple-1.2.4-full.tar.gz (always check for latest version). Untar the source package (by right click the cmsmadesimple file) and extract the file to document root dir or www root on your webserver, look for htdocs directory or www root in Apachefriends XAMPP and put there. And you will guided to install automatically There are some important point regarding installation of this opensource; for example is :
- You have to create MySQL Database.
- You have to create writable empty config.php file
- You may have security password for the database and CMS admin.
After you have complete installation; you will face to your CMS Made Simple webpage and administration panel or dashboard. You may operate your site from admin panel; in your new site you will get a lot of information of this CMS and how to operate. Even you will ask for a HTML Template completed with CSS; you can build HTML template by copying an opensource or import a xml templates. You will finishing the sites by placing tag in you page as you like. For example if you need a page about news you may just put news tag on your template page, if you need adsense in your page then you need to put adsense tag; and so on.
CMS Made Simple; so easy, its feel like taking a holiday!
You may take a holiday to this site
Building e-Learning with Dokeos
E-Learning System is distance learning and education process by using computer technology for achieving the objecyives. Browser client side, Web and Web 2.0 is very common way for this system; so many benefits compare with GUI System; for example : Learning Content/Object Exchanges.
Dokeos is an elearning and course management web application, and is free software (GNU GPL). It's translated into 30 languages, SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model) compliant, and light and flexible. LCMS (Learning Content Management System) is an e-learning system that has ability in making, storing, assy, and forwarding a learning content in standard form (ie. SCORM). The main objective of learning content standardization is to make easy of learning content moving from one system to another. LCMS has ability to manage a learning content and virtual learning behaviour. Learning path become important in the learning process and Dokeos has ability to build this activity.
Dokeos supports many different kinds of learning and collaboration activities Teachers/ trainers can create, manage and publish their courses through the web. Students/trainees can follow courses, read content or participate actively through groups, forums, chat. Technically, Dokeos is a web application written in PHP that stores data in a MySQL database. Users access it using a web browser.
If you would like to know more or help develop this software, please visit :
Dokeos imports Scorm compliant learning contents. It imports then "On the shelve" contents from many companies : NETg, Skillsoft, Explio, Microsoft, Macromedia, etc.. Admin interface imports users through CSV and XML. You can create a CSV file from a list of users in MS Excel. OpenOffice can export to both CSV and XML formats. Many database management systems, like Oracle, SAP, Access, SQL-Server, LDAP ...
export to CSV and/or XML.. Dokeos includes a LDAP module that allows admin to deactivate MySQL authentication and replace it by connection to a LDAP directory.
Client side, Dokeos runs on any browser : Firefox, MS Internet Explorer (5.0+), Netscape (4.7+), Mozilla (1.2+), Safari, Opera,
For other business services; you can find more information on the services on :
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B-1030 Brussels - Belgium
Tel. +32 (2) 211 34 56