
Building e-Learning with Dokeos


E-Learning System is distance learning and education process by using computer technology for achieving the objecyives. Browser client side, Web and Web 2.0 is very common way for this system; so many benefits compare with GUI System; for example : Learning Content/Object Exchanges.

Dokeos is an elearning and course management web application, and is free software (GNU GPL). It's translated into 30 languages, SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model) compliant, and light and flexible. LCMS (Learning Content Management System) is an e-learning system that has ability in making, storing, assy, and forwarding a learning content in standard form (ie. SCORM). The main objective of learning content standardization is to make easy of learning content moving from one system to another. LCMS has ability to manage a learning content and virtual learning behaviour. Learning path become important in the learning process and Dokeos has ability to build this activity.

Dokeos supports many different kinds of learning and collaboration activities Teachers/ trainers can create, manage and publish their courses through the web. Students/trainees can follow courses, read content or participate actively through groups, forums, chat. Technically, Dokeos is a web application written in PHP that stores data in a MySQL database. Users access it using a web browser.

If you would like to know more or help develop this software, please visit :

Dokeos imports Scorm compliant learning contents. It imports then "On the shelve" contents from many companies : NETg, Skillsoft, Explio, Microsoft, Macromedia, etc.. Admin interface imports users through CSV and XML. You can create a CSV file from a list of users in MS Excel. OpenOffice can export to both CSV and XML formats. Many database management systems, like Oracle, SAP, Access, SQL-Server, LDAP ...
export to CSV and/or XML.. Dokeos includes a LDAP module that allows admin to deactivate MySQL authentication and replace it by connection to a LDAP directory.

Client side, Dokeos runs on any browser : Firefox, MS Internet Explorer (5.0+), Netscape (4.7+), Mozilla (1.2+), Safari, Opera,

For other business services; you can find more information on the services on :
Contact address:
Rue des Palais 44 Paleizenstraat
B-1030 Brussels - Belgium
Tel. +32 (2) 211 34 56


HDRKID said...

I would like to know if there are any FREE LMS which I can use. There are free cms like Joomla, but I want a scoring system on tests.

azis said...

Atutor is another of free LMS..?