You may want your blog articles commented by visitors, so you have to make more friendly and easier comment form. You can modify your blog by putting one line code that will display the comment form at the place as you like in your blog. I knew about this tip from some blogger who dont satisfy with default comment form. This tip only usable for other templates that are not default Blogger template (served by Blogger).
I applied this tip in this blog.. then the result as you can see.. the comment form displayed in main home page and article pages.
Please ...take attention for the following steps :
1. Make Login to your blog (blogger).
2. Click Layout.
3. Click Edit HTML.
4. Full Downlod first your template to avoid any mistake.
5. Make choice for Expand Template.
5. Please look for this code..:
around at below of post section :
6. Put this code below of above mentioned code (at No.5).
7. If you wish to display comment form at main home page, please look for this code
8. Put this code below of above mentioned code (at No.7).
Please make setting for comment look like the following :
- Comments : Show
- Who can comment? : Anyone
- Comment Form Placement : Embedded below post.
- Show word verification for comments : Yes.