
Easy Web, Easy CMS, CMS Made Simple

You may to look for easy web for building CMS (Content Management System), in my opinion CMS Made Simple is one of very easy web and very easy CMS (Content Management System) that you can choose to operate. Even you don’t have enough any knowledge and skill about HTML code or building a website, CMS Made Simple has way out with a lot of documentation, tutorial, and forum. CMS Made Simple is an open source Content Management System with a suitable php MySQL for Apache Server (Apachefriends XAMPP, WampServer, etc.). Please check this blog post Installing Apachefriends Xampp Server.

Before you are thinking about to put a CMS in a web server hosting site, an installation in your PC or your LAN Server is recommended in order to check out the conformity of a CMS capability and your needed. However it could be better if then following by expressing your CMS in your company LAN Server. Windows platform will be as common example for CMS Made Simple.

A journey and trying to install CMS Made Simple as your best chosen CMS will give you a good learning path. Please download the CMS Made Simple Core then look for file full.tar.gz in the name e.g. cmsmadesimple-1.2.4-full.tar.gz (always check for latest version). Untar the source package (by right click the cmsmadesimple file) and extract the file to document root dir or www root on your webserver, look for htdocs directory or www root in Apachefriends XAMPP and put there. And you will guided to install automatically There are some important point regarding installation of this opensource; for example is :
- You have to create MySQL Database.
- You have to create writable empty config.php file
- You may have security password for the database and CMS admin.

After you have complete installation; you will face to your CMS Made Simple webpage and administration panel or dashboard. You may operate your site from admin panel; in your new site you will get a lot of information of this CMS and how to operate. Even you will ask for a HTML Template completed with CSS; you can build HTML template by copying an opensource or import a xml templates. You will finishing the sites by placing tag in you page as you like. For example if you need a page about news you may just put news tag on your template page, if you need adsense in your page then you need to put adsense tag; and so on.

CMS Made Simple; so easy, its feel like taking a holiday!
You may take a holiday to this site

1 comment:

R V said...

Content Management System is very important especially for big firms which deal with very fragile and important data.